The Film Entitled “One Night In Vegas” is poised to raise the bar of quality in the genre known as Nollywood. The film has been widely publicised on the front page of THE WASHINGTON POST, VOICE OF AMERICA , CCTV, CHANNEL 9 NEWS and many others affiliates as a landmark film setting a new standard of excellence. Movie lovers are in for a theatrical treat as Nigerian born director; John Uceh’s ‘One Night In Vegas’ hits cinemas across the country on Friday, July 18, 2014. Produced by Koby Maxwell, a Ghanaian musical star and film producer, ‘One Night In Vegas’ is described as a more collaborative alliance and partnership between Nollywood, Ghollywood and Hollywood. The movie which has received critical acclaim at various international film festivals as a landmark film setting a new standard of excellence for the African movie industry features Ghollywood’s Yvonne Nelson, John Dumelo, Van Vicker and Koby Maxwell. The cast also includes Hollywood’s Jimmy Jean Louis who has also featured in NBC’s “Heroes” and CW’s “Arrow”; Miss Universe 2010 Sarodj Bertin and African King of Comedy Michael Blackson. ‘One Night In Vegas’ focuses on a couple who try to better their relationship with a trip to Las Vegas, the events that occur don’t go as planned but unlike the popular saying, ‘what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. Watch Trailer:
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