The trailer for Alex Ekubo’s upcoming movie directed by Desmond Elliott Akan is out and this family drama just might catch the attention of some or not. The movie follows a young man, Akan (Alex Ekubo), who comes back to Nigeria with his fiancee Sophie (Venita Akpofure) to settle down but faces resistance from his family who want him to be with someone from their hometown.
The trailer for this one doesn’t look so good when compared to many other Nigerian movie trailer out there and while some might argue that it doesn’t really matter, consider the fact that the trailer is a piece of the movie they want you to pay for. The movie which also stars Ime Bishop Umoh, Venita Akpofure, Emma Etukudo, Grace Johnson and Archie Sam is set to open in cinemas in Uyo on 8th of August 2014 and nationwide afterwards.
Check out the trailer.
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