People who sleep nude report being happier with their partners, a survey from Cotton USA found. ‘Being naked in bed with your partner is physically and emotionally intimate,’ relationship expert Amber Madison said.
The new study has claimed that sleeping with your clothes off helps you have a happier relationship with your partner.
Cotton USA conducted a study where they asked couples about the clothes they went to bed in and how happy they were in their relationship, reported.
It turned out that 57 per cent of the pairs who slept naked were happier as compared to the 48 per cent of pyjama clad sleepers, 43 per cent of nightie wearers and 38 per cent of people who slept in one piece.
“Being naked in bed with your partner is physically and emotionally intimate,” she said. “It’s a way of showing, ‘I want to be close to you’ and a green light for sex. That intimacy and emotional and physical availability is what keeps a relationship strong in light of daily stressors and challenges.”
“There are many factors which can affect the success of a relationship, but one factor which is often overlooked is the bedroom environment,” Thiers-Ratcliffe added.
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