Going on a date can be exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. Before you head out the door and let your nerves speak, remember to leave your issues at home. The following is a list of things women should never ever reveal on a first date if she wants to see a second one.
1. Finance Troubles
This falls under inappropriate especially if you don’t want him assumng you’re either (a.) irresposible or (b.) a gold digger.
2. The Other Men She’s Dating
It’s just TMI and has nothing to do with getting to know each other.
3. How Lonely She Normally Is
No one wants to be with a sad girl.
4. The Laundry List of heartbreaks
Again, no one wants to be with a sad girl. Save it for your girlfriends.
5. Her Personal Tragedies
There is nothing about your past he can solve today so don’t rain on the first date parade outlining everything wrong in life.
6. Anything Negative About Her Family
7. Physical Insecurities
8. Baby Daddy Issues
Not even going to touch this. Self explanatory.
9. Religion and Politics
Unless you both met at church or at the demoratic convention, leave it for another day.
10. Marriage or Children
Too much, too soon.
11. Her Freaky Fetishes
Are we forgetting any?
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