We all know that electricity in nigeria is not constant and so we look for alternative means to charge our devices. Do you know you can charge the your device with the battery of a ups? Here’s How.
Am sure you all know what a UPS Device is used for. In case you don’t know , UPS is an abbreviation for Un-interrupted Power Supply. It stores current which can be used after power outage. In this tutorial We’re going to make use of the “BATTERY OF A UPS DEVICE” . It weighs 1.2Kg And you can get it for #1400 – #2000 (Depending on your bargaining power).
The metal terminal black is the negative(-). Not only in this battery but in most batteries “black signifies negative(-)”
The metal terminal red is the positive(+). Not only in this battery but in most batteries “red signifies positive(+)”
After getting the battery , the next thing to buy is a car charger. See image below
If you’ve gotten the charger then let’s get to work.
In the above picture, the bouncy metal in the middle is the positive.
Then the two curved metals by the sides are the negative!..
Next , get 2 coper wires (Colours black and red) and connect them to the charger as shown below.
Connecting to the negative terminal. Connect the black wire to the negative terminal of the charger
Connecting to the positive terminal. Connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the charger
If connected successfully , your connect
Ion should look like that in the above image. Then you’re good to go.
Please avoid wrong connection so as to avoid regrets. See example of wrong connection below.
If you’re sure your connection is right then go ahead and connect your device.
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